The life of your new tattoo is dependent upon the care it receives within the first few days… it takes approximately three weeks to heal, and an additional two weeks to settle into your natural skin…


                Now you have a new tattoo and want to show it off – leave the bandage alone! It was covered for a reason. The cellophane will allow you to show off your new artistic addition, but also serves a medical purpose. Cellophane is not a permeable material, so it will serve to keep out nearly all airborne bacteria from your tattoo. You also may have had your tattoo covered with an absorbent sterile pad, depending upon the completion of your tattoo. We understand you’re excited to show your friends but give it some time to heal. Remember, it’s a permanent addition to your body; you’ll have plenty enough time to show it off. Your new tattoo is considered an open wound and an open wound is a desired breeding ground for bacteria and infection, if not properly cared for. Leave the cellophane or bandage on for as long as your artist recommends. If you do not recall the amount of time, it is safe to remove the bandage after one full hour. This time is required to allow your natural antibodies to reach and gather in the region of your new tattoo. The antibodies will help fight off any possible infection.  


After Removing the Bandage 

After you remove the bandage, gently wash your fresh tattoo with lukewarm water and antibacterial soap. (Dial is the best choice.) Using a freshly softened paper towel, or even your “clean” hand, wipe the surface of your tattoo clean. Never use a dirty washcloth or anything with an abrasive surface. After you feel that your tattoo is rid of all that “goop” that collected under the cellophane, gently pat dry with a fresh paper towel. It is common for your tattoo to weep color for the first couple of days; it is just the remaining plasma and blood that has been dyed with ink.  


                Apply a very thin layer of ointment two- three times a day for at least five days, or when you feel your tattoo is dry. Stay away from Neosporin and bacitracin, they are good for cuts and scrapes but not tattoos. Some inks in tattoos are susceptible to an allergic reaction with the use of those two products. Little red bumps may start to accumulate, as the bumps go away so might some of the ink. After a few days some scabbing and pealing may occur, mind you, this is completely normal. Your tattoo is almost healed… don’t pick at it, leave it alone. More often than not, your tattoo will itch; itch like a mopho.  Do not scratch it! You may also prefer to lubricate your tattoo with fragrance free lotions such as Lubriderm, Jergens, Aveeno, Gold Bond Ultimate Healing, or Eucerin. (Shea or coco butter is also acceptable.) Apply a thin layer 4-5 times a day for the entire healing process. Your tattoo should feel moisturized, NOT moist. Showering is perfectly fine, but you should avoid standing water. And do not go swimming for at least two weeks after you receive your tattoo. Getting your tattoo excessively wet can cause your skin to soften which can result in a loss of color.  Other tattoo shops may have different instructions and suggestions for your aftercare; this does not mean they are wrong. After time you will be able to realize what works best for you. Every “body” is different. 

Protection from the Sun 

Protection from the sun is vital for the long-lasting defined coloration of your tattoo. The ultraviolet rays of the sun will most definitely fade and damage a brilliant tattoo, forcing it to become a picturesque blob of colorful matter. Before sacrificing your tattoo to the brutality of the sun or tanning, protect it with a minimum of 30 SPF lotions, so it can continue as a source of great pride. DO NOT PUT SUNSCREEN ON A HEALING TATTOO(it is best to wear protective clothing that also allows your tattoo to breathe) .  


Finished Work of Art 

Your tattoo is truly finished when it is done healing. If you notice any color that went away during the healing process, you get one free touch up for up to a year.  If your tattoo was not properly taken care of, your free touch up is void, and you will have to pay for it. If you have any questions or concerns about your tattoo, call us or feel free to message us on Facebook on our Geister Ink page,  


We appreciate your business and Thank you for choosing Geister Ink 

After Care

Geister Ink After Care Products Available For Purchase In-Store

Tattoo Goo Tattoo Balm - $15.00

Dermasil Dry Skin Treatment - $5.00

Hand Soap - $4.00